Friday, May 31, 2019

The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay -- Social Responsi

The Concept of Corporate Social ResponsibilityWith the interest in Corporate Social Responsibility growing, increasing numbers of organisations argon incorporating CSR into their business operations in an effort to be seen acting as good corporate citizens, so what is CSR & what is its role in todays organizations? The term CSR refers to a troupe?s obligation to maximize its positive tinge on society, accommodating changing social, market & stakeholderpressures in an effort to achieve sustainable economic, social &environmental development throughout its operations andactivities. CSR puts expectations, continuous improvement &innovation at the heart of business strategies and the four dimensionsof social responsibility are generally considered to be economic,legal, ethical & philanthropic.Approaches to CSR are varied and due to the differences in priorities& values across the world, there is no one size fits all strategy.Where previously, the role of a socially responsible company wa ssimply to create good will in the community, organisations are nowrequired to take into account the full scope of their impact oncommunities & the environments in which they work, balancing the needsof stakeholders with the need to make a profit. Although there is noone size fits all strategy, well managed CSR programmes have widely distributedbenefitso Increase Profito Enhance business competitiveness& opportunitieso Maximise value of wealth creation to societyo crumb improve financial performance & access to capitalo Enhance brand image, raise profile & boost saleso Attract & halt quality workforce,o Improve decision-making on critical issueso Helps manage risks & reduce long-term costso Incre... Cooncepts & Strategies Dibb, Simkin, Pride & FeralKotler on Marketing Philip Kotler Marketing Strategy Sudharshan Mastering Marketing Financial TimesThe Essence of Services Marketing Adrian PayneValue Based Marketing DoyleMarketing Plans Malcom MacdonaldMarketing Principles and Practice Adcock, Bradfield, Halborg, RossPublications Marketing WeekRecruitment & Employment Confederation

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